Every day I look at the screen for school, but when I look at you, it’s the best. I love the things you teach me, it’s cool, fun, great and awesome. My favorite thing is the tests. Soooo fun! (a 9 year old)

I really am impressed and thankful for you! I was having S read to me last night and he was doing it with such ease,  I couldn’t believe my ears!  (parent of an 8 year old)

I like it here.   ( a 7-year-old)

I’ve noticed more self-confidence and he is willing to read to me.  (parent of a 6-year-old) 

He is reading on his own now, he just sits down with his book. He was never willing to get out a book before. (parent of a 10-year-old)

Thank you so much. You’ve saved B from becoming a juvenile delinquent. I know that if he hadn’t been taught to read we would have lost him.   (parent of a 9-year-old)

He is interested and excited now; so am I!   (parent of a 12-year-old)

 I saw him in the rear view mirror, sounding out the road signs. We won’t tell him I observed that!  (parent of a teen)

My teacher says I’m doing a lot better in reading. He says he has seen the change in me.  ( an 8-year-old)